
Color war team names
Color war team names

color war team names color war team names

The Camp Equinunk (CE) traditions bond our campers and staff with each-other and connect them to generations past, present and future.A combination of home-grown alumni counselors and leadership, domestic and international counselors and activity specialists, along with a terrific support team, work together to take exceptional care of our children.The camp spirit, and perhaps a reflection of simpler times, is reflected in our long standing tradition of being a uniform camp – red and grey at Equinunk and blue and grey at Blue Ridge – simple, wholesome and comfortable.Our experienced coaches and counselors create an athletics culture that is inclusive, supportive, instruction-based and with the right amount of healthy competition for intramurals and inter-camp tournaments.

color war team names

Our boys are active and enjoy a well-rounded weekly program in athletics, aquatics, arts, hobbies, adventure and outdoor exploration.Campers experience activities that are programmed by age-group and include a mix of all-group activities and individual daily electives.Warm and thoughtful boys who return to Equinunk year after year for the friends they have made and brotherhood they have become a part of.Perhaps best described by some of the Red and Grey Color War team names from over the years: Tradition, Brotherhood, Family, Integrity, Heart, Loyalty, Courage, Devotion, Honor, Resilience, and Passion.We are defined by the character of our people and the strength of our traditions – over 100 years strong! The spirit is alive and the energy palpable.

Color war team names