Miss Terious is the one non-transparent model in the crew, but at least she’s a special edition. I had kind of hoped for a smoother transition from opaque to transparent, but it didn’t really turn out. Waist down was left transparent, but with Dullcote and some washes to give it some depth and texture. of (u) remove, conceal or obliterate any copyright or. Bête Noireīête is the clear red version from the Black Friday sale. Terms of Service from the Bellingham Herald newspaper in Whatcom County. an Obliteration weaponmaster - Bloody Kithicor an Obliteration knight. Successive drybrushing and washes brought it up to mostly opaque, with just a but of translucency in the arms, hands, and tentacles. This features one plastic model, sold un-assembled and un-painted along with a Malifaux 2nd Edition stat card and blank base. The following items require Silla Herald faction to purchase. Painting directly on the clear plastic didn’t work well, as you’d expect (paint pooling up, and tending to rub off), so a layer of Dullcote acted like a clear primer. Does anyone know anywhere I can buy the herald of obliteration box, or more specifically the nothing beast It seems it was limited edition and I cant find. The Nothing Beast got primed gray for the lower body, leaving the it transparent from about the waist on up. The idea is to evoke the glowy magic from the art. I hit the left the hand clear, then hit it with Tamiya Clear Red.

I considered offering to swap with a non-transparent one. Doing her left hand like this maybe isn’t very different than Tara. The rest was primed and painted as normal. I left Tara’s freaky arm transparent, and hit it with some green washes and a bit of drybrushing. Read on for some commentary on each model.